Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Crazy Pills To Play Cake Shop + Release New Record

Crazy Pills are celebrating the release of their debut record Restless this Saturday, July 27.  It all happens on the LES at Cake Shop ... you should go.  Full details are below.  

Crazy Pills
Desert Sharks / Fan Tan / Let's Be Loveless
Cake Shop

152 Ludlow Street
New York, NY
Doors: 8PM
Tickets: $8

I've had a chance to listen to Restless.  I'm really enjoying this one folks.  It's soul-punk and rock 'n' roll.  It's a excellent summer album ... put it on and go hang out by the pool.  Standout tracks are: "Nothing But Love", "Break It Down", "Indictment" and "Trudy June".  Check out the track "Break It Down" below.