Double bassist/singer-songwriter Nat Baldwin will release his upcoming r
ecord People Changes on Tuesday, May 24 via Western Vinyl.

People Changes was recorded by Matt Walsh at Florida Keys Studio in New York City in May/June 2010, mixed by Scott Solter, and mastered by Paul Gold at Salt Mastering. Guests include Matt Bauder (clarinets), Caley Monahon-Ward (violin), Brett Deschenes (trumpet), Will Glass (drums), Al Mead (guitar) and Jeremy Leclair (alto saxophone). The album follows A Split EP with Extra Life (2008, Shatter Your Leaves) on which earlier versions of “Weights” and “Lifted” appear, Most Valuable Player (2008), Enter the Winter (2006) and Lights Out EP (2005) on Broken Sparrow Records, and his experimental free jazz debut Solo Contrabass (2003, Peacock Recordings). In addition to Dirty Projectors, Nat Baldwin has performed on Vampire Weekend’s Contra and Department of Eagles' In Ear Park. He will tour behind the album’s release this spring.