Brooklyn based singer-songwriter April Smith is set to release her new record Songs Fo
r A Sinking Ship on February 23. I first became familiar with Smith when I came across her EP Live From The Penthouse in 2008 and was instantly hooked on "Wow and Flutter" and "Colors." Those of you who have somehow missed hearing Smith's work, she's a terrifically fun, jazzy, quirky and sassy. For a taste of April Smith and the Great Picture Show, check out the insanely catchy "Colors" below. I look forward to getting my hands on Songs For A Sinking Ship.
Also, Smith is on the road. Alas, there are no current NYC dates. She's one of those artists that every time she plays in town, I manage to miss. It's like some great jinx! Check her website for dates near you. She's doing shows through mid-February with Langhorne Slim and finishing up February on the road with Fanfarlo.

Also, Smith is on the road. Alas, there are no current NYC dates. She's one of those artists that every time she plays in town, I manage to miss. It's like some great jinx! Check her website for dates near you. She's doing shows through mid-February with Langhorne Slim and finishing up February on the road with Fanfarlo.
MP3 Grab: "Colors"