It's the holiday season which means, it's time for holiday music! Personally, I'm not all th
at big on the traditional old classics or the cheesy junk that people insist on playing. So, when I come across a new holiday song that isn't cheesy I get a little giddy. Who has made me giddy you ask? Adam Taylor, that's who. Adam and his band, Kate Young, Jason Hoffheins and Mike Giblin have given us "Mrs. Mistletoe." Check out the video below and head on over to Taylor's website (HERE) to get a free download of the song.
Oh, and on this day two years ago, Taylor released his debut EP, Play The Piano Drunk. Happy anniversary! Here's to many more years of good music. If you haven't added this record to your collection, what are you waiting for? It makes a good stocking stuffer! Time sure flies ... it was two years and five days that I first saw Taylor & Young perform and they just keep getting better.
Oh, and on this day two years ago, Taylor released his debut EP, Play The Piano Drunk. Happy anniversary! Here's to many more years of good music. If you haven't added this record to your collection, what are you waiting for? It makes a good stocking stuffer! Time sure flies ... it was two years and five days that I first saw Taylor & Young perform and they just keep getting better.