Athens, GA band Twin Tigers unleashed a video for their song "Red Fox Ru
n." The song is from their debut full-length record, Gray Waves and released on Old Flame Records. The video was directed by Robert U. Thomason. Check it out below.

Tour Dates Twin Tigers at SXSW
- 3/17--Wednesday--WOXY.Com Radio Session
- 3/18--Thursday--Sonic Itch Music Day Party @ the Independent
- 3/19--Friday--12:35 PM--Twin Tigers @ Sneak Attack Day Party @ Clive Bar w/Jukebox the Ghost, Letting Up Despite Great Faults, Speak and more...
- 3/19--Friday---9 PM--Official SXSW Showcase @ Emos Annex WOXY.Com Showcase w/Bear in Heaven, Cymbals Eat Guitars, Crystal Antlers, French Miami, TV Torso
- 3/20--Saturday--1:30 PM--Old Flame/Obscure Magpie Day Party w/Born Ruffians, Black & White Years, Dead Confederate and more...
- 3/20--Saturday--5 PM--40 Watt Party with Futurebirds, Dead Confederate, James Husband, Gift Horse, American Cheeseburger and more...
- 3/3--Cafe Du Nord--San Francisco, CA
- 3/4--3 of Clubs--Los Angeles, CA
- 3/6--Bar Pink--San Diego, CA
- 3/12--The Thunderbird Lounge @ The Aruba **Part of Neon Reverb Music Festival**--Las Vegas, NV